Changelog library ******************************** This library is a wrapper on top of Jenkins changelog plugin. Jenkins changelog plugin needs to be installed before using this library. The library uses \ **mustache**\  template embedded in html for formatting data. .. _com.amarula.changelog.Changelog-PREREQUISITES: **PREREQUISITES** ----------------- - Git Changelog Plugin \ .. _com.amarula.changelog.Changelog-Scriptusage: **Script usage** ---------------- | First add **Jenkins changelog library** in your Jenkins shared library. Now, to generate changelog use the \ **generate**\  method from \ **changelog.groovy**\  script file. **new C**\ **hangelog().generate(steps, options)** .. _com.amarula.changelog.Changelog-ExampleUsage: **Example Usage** ----------------- :: import com.amarula.changelog.Changelog node { def options = [from: "v1.0", to: "master"] stage('Example') { git branch: 'master', credentialsId: 'github_credential_id', url: '' new Changelog().generate(this, options) } } .. _com.amarula.changelog.Changelog-Parameters: Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ - **steps**\  Context of current pipeline(this) - **options**\  Map containing \ ``from``\  and \ ``to``\  value. Here \ ``from``\  and \ ``to``\  is a tag or ref for which the changelog needs to be generated. |