Gerrit trigger for repo projects

Some projects are composed of several git repositories that are dependent in some way. These repositories are usually managed using `repo` tool. Typical example of such project is Android open-source project (AOSP).

Challenges of verification builds

One change in one repository may need another change in a different repository in order to be complete and the whole project working without errors. These inter-repository dependencies complicate verification builds. Meaning that fetching just one change is not enough to successfully complete a verification build.

Trigger only one build

Each uploaded change triggers one build. We can’t do anything about that if we want to keep the trigger automatic. But Gerrit Trigger plugin configuration has a feature for stopping builds that have the same topic. It means that when a new verification build for related changes is started, the already running build (if there is one) is stopped.

This can be configured in ‘Manage Jenkins’ → ‘Gerrit Trigger’ → ‘Abort patch sets with same topic’:


It is also recommended to change value of ‘Build Schedule Delay’ to at least 10 seconds. This option is located also in ‘Gerrit Trigger’ configuration under ‘Advanced …’ → ‘Miscellaneous’.

Fetch changes

All related changes have the same topic, which makes it easier to fetch. The topic is stored in ‘GERRIT_TOPIC’ environment variable. The goal is to checkout the latest change for each project.

We use Gerrit REST API `GET /changes/?q=....`

curl --user "jenkins-builder:${GERRIT_JENKINSBUILDER_PASSWORD}" "https://${GERRIT_URL}/a/changes/?q=topic:\"${GERRIT_TOPIC}\"+status:open+parentproject:${PARENT_PROJECT}&o=CURRENT_REVISION&o=CURRENT_COMMIT"

The response contains all Gerrit changes with given GERRIT_TOPIC that are open and their project’s parent is PARENT_PROJECT. We parse the response into a map `PROJECT : [ GerritChange, GerritChange ]`.

Now for each project we find the latest change by finding the one that is descendant of all the changes. We use git to compare the relation between two commits:

# git merge-base --is-ancestor <maybe-ancestor-commit> <descendant-commit>
git -C ${PROJECT_PATH} merge-base --is-ancestor ${COMMIT_A} ${COMMIT_B}

We checkout the one that is descendant of the other commits:

# repo download {[project] change[/patchset]}

Set ‘Verified’ flag

The build is triggered for only one specific change, so only that one receives automatically the review. We have to set review for all the changes that we used. We can keep a list of changes from the ‘Fetch changes’ section and set review for each one using Gerrit REST API `POST /changes/{change-id}/revisions/{revision-id}/review`.

curl -X POST --user "jenkins-builder:${GERRIT_JENKINSBUILDER_PASSWORD}" --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d "{ \"labels\": { \"Verified\": 1 } }" "https://${GERRIT_URL}/a/changes/${GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}/revisions/${GERRIT_REVISION_COMMIT_ID}/review"

The response contains changes in review made to the change with change ID GERRIT_CHANGE_ID (“Change-Id:” in commit message) and patchset identified by its commit ID GERRIT_REVISION_COMMIT_ID.

Implementation in Repo Jenkins Library

Main classes


Create new instance per gerrit remote, query changes and set review to them. It is expected that usage is surrounded with credential use in env variables GERRIT_RESTAPI_USER and GERRIT_RESTAPI_PASS.


Represents one gerrit change. Returned from Gerrit class. Enables to get some basic information about the change, set review and to get list of related changes.


Represents parsed manifest of repo project. It offers to get Project by name/path and so to enable name-to-path/path-to-name resolution.


Create new instance per repo project. Init, sync, cherry-pick/checkout topics for projects or manifest.

Example usage of library

import com.amarula.gerrit.GerritChange
import com.amarula.repo.Repo

node {
  stage('Repo init and sync') {
    def changes = []
    def value = GerritChange.FAILURE
        credentialsId: 'jenkins-builder-amarula_gerrit-rest-api',
        passwordVariable: 'GERRIT_RESTAPI_PASS',
        usernameVariable: 'GERRIT_RESTAPI_USER')]) {
      try {
        def project = new Repo(this, env,
        sshagent(['someCredentialId1', 'someCredentialId2']) {
          // repo init

          // checkout topic changes for manifest

          // repo sync

          // checkout topic changes for projects

          // build project
          sh 'make'

          value = GerritChange.SUCCESS
      } finally {
        for (change in changes) {
  } /* END 'Repo init and sync' */