Changelog library

This library is a wrapper on top of Jenkins changelog plugin. Jenkins changelog plugin needs to be installed before using this library. The library uses mustache template embedded in html for formatting data.


Script usage

First add Jenkins changelog library in your Jenkins shared library.

Now, to generate changelog use the generate method from changelog.groovy script file.  new Changelog().generate(steps, options)

Example Usage

import com.amarula.changelog.Changelog

node {
    def options = [from: "v1.0", to: "master"]
    stage('Example') {
        git branch: 'master',
            credentialsId: 'github_credential_id',
            url: ''
        new Changelog().generate(this, options)


  • steps Context of current pipeline(this)

  • options Map containing from and to value. Here from and to is a tag or ref for which the changelog needs to be generated.