

This class is used to build parameters for a Jenkins job. It provides a builder pattern for adding various types of parameters to a job, such as boolean, string, choice, and password parameters.

Ui Class

The Ui class is the main class that contains the builder pattern to add parameters to a Jenkins job. It is a serializable class that can be used to build parameters for a job. The class has the following attributes:

  • parameters: A list of parameters that have been added.

  • context: The context of the Jenkins job.

  • is_new: A boolean value that indicates whether the class is new.


The Ui class has a private constructor that takes three parameters

private Ui(parameters, context, is_new = false)
  • parameters: A list of parameters that have been added.

  • context: The context of the Jenkins job.

  • is_new: A boolean value that indicates whether the class is new. It defaults to false.


To use this Ui class, you need to create an instance of its Builder class and use it to add the parameters you need for your Jenkins job. Then you can call the build() method to create an instance of the Ui class, which contains the parameters as a property.

def context = new SecureGroovyScript("").with {
    delegate = null
    getClass().classLoader = Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.uberClassLoader

def ui = new Ui.Builder(context)
    .addBooleanParameter('boolParam', false, 'A boolean parameter.')
    .addStringParameter('strParam', 'default', 'A string parameter.')
    .addChoiceParameter('choiceParam', ['option1', 'option2'], 'A choice parameter.')

In this example, we create a new Ui.Builder instance with a new SecureGroovyScript instance. Then we use the builder to add a boolean parameter with a default value of false, a string parameter with a default value of 'default', and a choice parameter with options 'option1' and 'option2'. Finally, we call the build() method to create an instance of the Ui class and get the parameters using the get() method.


The Ui class has the following methods:


def get()

This method returns the list of parameters that have been added.


boolean isNew()

This method returns a boolean value that indicates whether the class is new.

Builder Class

The Ui class also has a static inner class called Builder. This class is used to add various types of parameters to the Ui class. The Builder class has the following attributes:

  • parameters: A list of parameters that have been added.

  • context: The context of the Jenkins job.

  • is_new: A boolean value that indicates whether the class is new.

getValuefromProp(name, defaultValue)

protected def getValuefromProp(name, defaultValue)

This method is used to get the value of a property from the context of the Jenkins job. If the property does not exist, it creates the property and sets its value to the default value.

  • name: The name of the property.

  • defaultValue: The default value of the property.



The constructor for the Builder class takes the context of the Jenkins job as a parameter.

  • context: The context of the Jenkins job.

addBooleanParameter(name, defaultValue, description)

Builder addBooleanParameter(name, defaultValue, description)

This method is used to add a boolean parameter to the Ui class.

  • name: The name of the parameter.

  • defaultValue: The default value of the parameter.

  • description: The description of the parameter.

addStringParameter(name, defaultValue, description, trim = false)

Builder addStringParameter(name, defaultValue, description, trim = false)

This method is used to add a string parameter to the Ui class.

  • name: The name of the parameter.

  • defaultValue: The default value of the parameter.

  • description: The description of the parameter.

  • trim: A boolean value that indicates whether to trim the value of the parameter. It defaults to false.

addChoiceParameter(name, choices, description)

Builder addChoiceParameter(name, choices, description)

This method is used to add a choice parameter to the Ui class.

  • name: The name of the parameter.

  • choices: The list of choices for the parameter.

  • description: The description of the parameter.

addPasswordParameter(name, defaultValue, description)

Builder addPasswordParameter(name, defaultValue, description)

This method is used to add a password parameter


Ui build()

This method builds the Ui object and returns it. It creates a props list, which contains the parameters list as a property definition, and sets it as a property of the context object. It then creates a new Ui instance with the context, properties, and `is_new