Repo(context, environment, String manifestUrl, Map options = [:])
Creates new instance for handling operations over a specific repo project.
context Jenkins steps (‘this’ in pipeline context)
environment Jenkins environment variables (‘env’ variable in pipeline context)
manifestUrl URL of git repository with repo manifest
options Optional map of options for repo commands
repoInitOpts additional options for repo during repo init, ‘-u URL’ is always added
repoSyncOpts additional options for repo during repo sync, ‘–force-sync –detach’ is always added
gerritRemoteUrl Gerrit URL, default is from the manifest
Public methods
Repo init()
Initializes new repo project and fetches latest manifest version. This behaviour can be changed using repoInitOpts option in constructor. E.g. to fetch the manifest based on tag or a branch.
Repo sync(archiveManifest = true)
Performs sync on already initialized project. Behaviour can be changed using repoSyncOpts option. E.g. to change default number of threads to use.
archiveManifest Archive manifest snapshot, default is true
checkoutTopic(String topic)
Checkouts latest topic change for each project.
topic Gerrit topic to checkout
Returns: list of changes with given topic
GerritChange checkoutChange(GerritChange change = null)
Checkouts given change or a change defined from env variables if change not given. The env variables used is either GERRIT_REFSPEC or GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER with GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER. Values are expected the same as Gerrit Trigger plugin sets them. If GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER is not set or is 0, the latest patchset is picked.
change Change to checkout in its project or manifest
Returns: the change or null if change was not found
cherrypickTopic(String topic)
Cherry-picks changes with given gerrit topic.
topic Gerrit topic to cherry-pick
Returns: list of changes with given topic
GerritChange cherrypickChange(GerritChange change = null)
Cherry-picks given change or a change defined from env variables if change not given. The env variables used is either GERRIT_REFSPEC or GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER with GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER. Values are expected the same as Gerrit Trigger plugin sets them. If GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER is not set or is 0, the latest patchset is picked.
change Change to cherry-pick in its project or manifest
Returns: the change or null if change was not found
checkoutTopicForManifest(String topic)
Checkouts latest topic change for repo manifest.
topic Gerrit topic to checkout
Returns: list of changes with given topic
cherrypickTopicForManifest(String topic)
Cherry-picks changes with given gerrit topic for repo manifest.
topic Gerrit topic to cherry-pick
Returns: list of changes with given topic