Android app Jenkins Pipeline job configuration

A complete example in how to configure the pipeline is given in Android Jenkins Continue integration. What is needed is configure the project in order to have verified label as shown in the picture


Pipeline Script

Node master is setup with gradle installation and android sdk in order to build android application. We are using credential of jenkins-builder-android in order to checkout code from gerrit for aevi-albert projects and amarula* groups

node('android-build') {
    def gerritTrigger = true

    stage('checkout') {
        sshagent(['9af8a985-9516-467e-b9cb-0174692fe8c0']) {
            dir("barcode-scanner-app") {
            sh 'git clone ssh:// -b master'
        // Fetch the changeset to a local branch using the build parameters provided to the
        // build by the Gerrit plugin...
        try {
            sshagent(credentials: ['9af8a985-9516-467e-b9cb-0174692fe8c0'], ignoreMissing: true) {
                def changeBranch = "change-${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER}-${GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER}"
                withEnv(["changeBranch=${changeBranch}"]) {
                    dir("barcode-scanner-app") {
                        sh 'git fetch origin ${GERRIT_REFSPEC}:${changeBranch}'
                        sh 'git checkout ${changeBranch}'
        } catch (err) {
            println("Normal build")
            gerritTrigger = false

    stage('build') {
        try {
            echo "stage build"
            dir("barcode-scanner-app") {
                echo "invoke gradle"
                sh './gradlew clean'
                sh './gradlew build'

            if (gerritTrigger) {
            } else {
                archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'barcode-scanner-app/build/outputs/apk/*.apk', fingerprint: true
        } catch (err) {
            if (gerritTrigger) {
            throw err

Manage of exception is suboptimal right now. This script let doing manual build and build by trigger. One important note:

If you have some shell script that need to read some environment from the groovy this should be exported using withEnv(["changeBranch=${changeBranch}"])

Using Shared library

import com.amarula.Verification

node('android-build') {
    def ver = new Verification(steps, env)

                sh './gradlew clean build'

    stage('Deploy') {
        if (!ver.isTriggeredByGerrit()) {
            archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'barcode-scanner-app/build/outputs/apk/*.apk', fingerprint: true