Signing android application releases

Android signing plugin can be used to sign android application releases in pipeline. Certificate has to be added in Jenkins credentials for this purpose.

The precondition is to have the proper keystore (which key should be used to sign app) within jenkins credentials.

Using certificate in pipeline

Following snippet is example from alcosystems ibac project:


step([$class: 'SignApksBuilder', apksToSign: "**/*-unsigned*.apk", keyAlias: 'alcosystems', keyStoreId: 'alcosystems-ibac_androidProdKeystore', zipalignPath: "${ANDROID_HOME}/build-tools/26.0.2/zipalign"])

class - plugin class for signing, do not change

apksToSign - path to unsigned apk

keyAlias - alias of the key within keystore used for the signing

keyStoreId - id of the credential in Jenkins

zipalignPath - path to zipalign tool (having ANDROID_HOME set to android SDK is not enough)

Signed artifact is archived automatically by default. It can be changed by plugin properties.

See Android signing plugin for further options.

Signing android application bundle (.aab format)

Google is deprecating usage of standalone apk for uploading the application to google play. Instead the android application bundle will be mandatory.

Till jenkins signApksBuilder plugin does not support signing of such format, there is still possibility to use jarsigner directly, just the keystore has to be injected into pipeline with all its credentials:

Signing android application bundle

withCredentials([certificate(aliasVariable: 'alias', credentialsId: 'dokoki-bsg_androidMobileReleaseKeystore', keystoreVariable: 'keystore', passwordVariable: 'password')]) {
   sh "zip -d ${buildPath} META-INF/* *"
   sh "jarsigner -verbose -storetype pkcs12 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -digestalg SHA-256 -keystore $keystore -storepass $password ${filePath} key0"

aliasVariable - alias for the key which should be used from credentials keystore. In the example the key alias name is not defined within jenkins credentials but hardcoded in the pipeline straight (key0).

credentialsId - the id of the keystore within jenkins credentials. In the example the dokoki project keystore is used

keystoreVariable - name of the keystore

passwordVariable - keystore password

filePath - not related to withCredentials, it is the path to the file which should be signed

Deletion of the META-INF folder is executed for the cases when e.g. gradle already signed the build and we need to override.

Possible errors

Following exceptions were observed in past due to certain bugs in version of java used for keystore generation:

  1. jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: Integrity check failed: Failed PKCS12 integrity checking

  2. jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: Integrity check failed: Algorithm HmacPBESHA256 not available

The solution was to re-generate p12 keystore (from jks or completely new one) within different version of java, e.g. java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 was used in successful scenario.