Android emulator in docker/jenkins pipeline

Create android emulator

To create an emulator, use the following steps in DockerFile.

  1. Define Android version e.g. android-25

  2. Define emulator architecture e.g. arm, x86 etc

  3. Complete emulator package.

  4. Make .android directory in $JENKINS_HOME. This path will be used by android emulator to store data. If we don’t provide our path it will use ~/.android to store data and this path cannot be accessed without root access.

  5. Add ANDROID_AVD_HOME environment variable. Point variable to the directory created in point 4.

  6. Define unique emulator name and set it to EMULATOR_NAME environment variable.

  7. Create emulator using avdmanager command. Use EMULATOR_NAME defined in point 6 and ANDROID_EMULATOR_PACKAGE defined in point 3.


ARG EMULATOR_ARCH="armeabi-v7a"

RUN mkdir $JENKINS_HOME/.android
ENV ANDROID_AVD_HOME="/home/jenkins/.android/avd"
ENV EMULATOR_NAME="android_emulator"
RUN echo "no" | avdmanager --verbose create avd --force --name "${EMULATOR_NAME}" --device "pixel" -k "${ANDROID_EMULATOR_PACKAGE}"

Add Emulator start script

Create a shell script and add the following lines in it.

Use emulator command to start emulator. Use EMULATOR_NAME environment variable(defined in step Create android emulator), to start the emulator.

Since emulator can take some time to boot, so we have to check if emulator is fully booted and ready to run app. For that we can use adb shell getprop sys.boot_completed command to check status of emulator in while loop.

Example Script:

adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done
emulator -avd "${EMULATOR_NAME}" -verbose -wipe-data -no-snapshot -no-window -no-audio &
while [ "$(adb shell getprop sys.boot_completed | tr -d '\r')" != "1" ]; do
    echo "Still waiting for boot.."
    sleep 1

We have to add this script in our Dockerfile, so that we can run it from Jenkins pipeline.



Start Emulator from Jenkins pipeline

We can use the shell script created above to start the emulator from jenkins pipeline.

Example pipeline:



node('android-build') {
    def build = new Build(this, env, 'abc123')
    def repoUrl = ""

    final def dockerImage = 'android-with-emulator:1.0', {

        sh 'chmod +x gradlew'

        sh '. /'
        sh './gradlew connectedAndroidTest'

    }, [branch: "master", history: true, dockerImage: dockerImage, gerritRemoteUrl: env.GERRIT_HTTPS_URL])